Hip No. 6045
Consigned by Rocking P Ranch LLC


High Brow Hickory
High Brow Cat
Smart Little Kitty
Metallic Cat
Chers Shadow
Shesa Smarty Lena
Dancin In The Reyn, red roan mare 2023
Dual Rey
Dual Smart Rey
The Smart Look
Carolena Reyn
Carolena Moon
Lenas Sissy Moon

Sire: METALLIC CAT earned $574,494
Metallic Cat has 1561 NCHA money earners of $58,175,430, averaging $37,268
Metallic Cat has 388 NRCHA money earners of $7,900,853, averaging $20,363
Metallic Cat has 2 NRHA money earners of $49,073, averaging $24,536
  • HASHTAGS, $477,252 stallion 2013 out of Dual Rey Tag, by Dual Rey
  • CALL ME MITCH, $458,748 stallion 2011 out of Miss Hickory Hill, by Doc's Hickory
  • METELES CAT, $433,565 stallion 2010 out of Teles Lies, by Lenas Telesis
  • STEVIE REY VON, $418,953 stallion 2012 out of Miss Ella Rey, by Dual Rey
  • BUGATTII, $413,545 gelding 2017 out of Button Down Supercat, by Dual Rey

  • Dam: CAROLENA REYN has earnings of $267,109
    She has 1 money earners of $13,598, averaging $13,598
  • CAROLENA DREAM, $13,598 mare 2020 by Hashtags

  • 2nd Dam: CAROLENA MOON has earnings of $76,150
    She has 22 money earners of $1,205,766, averaging $54,808
  • CAROLENA REYN, $267,109 mare 2014 by Dual Smart Rey
  • STYLISH SWAGGER, $139,251 gelding 2010 by Stylish Rey
  • A SMOOTH CRIMINAL, $137,656 gelding 2006 by Smooth As A Cat
  • REYLENA MOON, $118,075 mare 2005 by Dual Rey
  • CATAMUS MAXIMUS, $81,505 stallion 2009 by High Brow CD