Consigned by David & Stacie McDavid Cutting Horses


Trainer - Clint Allen

Spots Hot
Stylish Play Lena
Cool N Hot
High Brow Cat
Donas Cool Cat
Sweet Peppy Again
Dmac Do I Wantaknow, sorrel mare 2022
High Brow Hickory
High Brow Cat
Smart Little Kitty
Royal Red Brow
Dual Rey
Tootsie Rey
Hickorys Toodie Lena

Sire: COOL N HOT earned $416,839
Cool N Hot has 19 NCHA money earners of $173,427, averaging $9,128
Cool N Hot has 2 NRCHA money earners of $19,612, averaging $9,806
  • IVIE, $61,850 mare 2020 out of Peptos Stylish Miss, by Peptoboonsmal
  • BLAZ N HOT BOON, $23,242 mare 2020 out of Little Black Boon, by Duals Blue Boon
  • COOL LIL DULCE, $18,970 mare 2020 out of Lil Dulce Lu, by Dulces Smart Lena
  • YAHTZEE, $14,307 stallion 2020 out of Light N Lily, by Light N Lena
  • COWBOY KOOL, $13,268 stallion 2020 out of Smart Lookin Mate, by WR This Cats Smart

  • Dam: ROYAL RED BROW has earnings of $37,816

    2nd Dam: TOOTSIE REY has earnings of $200,876
    She has 18 money earners of $810,947, averaging $45,053
  • CATILLAC REYS, $294,199 gelding 2014 by Metallic Cat
  • REYS YOUR BROW, $154,508 gelding 2017 by High Brow Cat
  • CHROME CATILLAC, $137,944 gelding 2012 by Metallic Cat
  • CATSMANDO, $43,463 gelding 2019 by High Brow Cat
  • ROYAL RED BROW, $37,816 mare 2015 by High Brow Cat