Consigned by Joseph Ammann


Trainer - Joseph Ammann

Dual Rey
Dualin Boon
Boon San Acre
CR Gotcha Covered
High Brow Cat
The Catattac
Sprats Dualin Jewel
Cat Undercover, sorrel gelding 2022
High Brow Cat
Metallic Cat
Chers Shadow
Santallico Cat
San Tule Freckles
Sids Sanolena

Sire: CR GOTCHA COVERED earned $302,756
CR Gotcha Covered has 27 NCHA money earners of $765,942, averaging $28,368
CR Gotcha Covered has 6 NRCHA money earners of $151,010, averaging $25,168
  • CR MISS MAYZIE, $379,414 mare 2020 out of Miss Mayzie Wood, by Nitas Wood
  • PAINT IT BLAK, $120,605 gelding 2020 out of Herbs Lady, by Grays Starlight
  • SMOKEDCHA, $86,170 stallion 2020 out of Smokin Tap, by Smokin Trona
  • COVERED IN DOTS, $66,447 gelding 2020 out of Reyl Smart Dot, by Dual Rey
  • COVERED IN METALLIC, $58,934 mare 2020 out of Metallicalexis, by Metallic Cat

  • Dam: SANTALLICO CAT has earnings of $59,502

    2nd Dam: SIDS SANOLENA has earnings of $88,389
    She has 5 money earners of $73,040, averaging $14,608
  • SANTALLICO CAT, $59,502 mare 2013 by Metallic Cat
  • REYVONOLENA, $5,972 mare 2019 by Stevie Rey Von
  • METALLIC CHARLIE, $5,691 gelding 2015 by Metallic Cat
  • SID DONT SURF, $1,092 stallion 2019 by Dont Stopp Believin
  • SUZIE Q LENA, $783 mare 2019 by Quejanaisalena