Consigned by Scottie Pippen


Trainer - Chris Cox

Once In A Blu Boon
Autumn Boon
High Brow Cat
Show Biz Kitty
Show Biz Sandy
Janet Jaxson, brown mare 2022
Dual Pep
Dual Rey
Nurse Rey
Never Reylinquish
Squeak Toy
Look Never Mind
Peppys Jeannie

Sire: BADBOONARISING earned $329,463
Badboonarising has 7 NCHA money earners of $25,455, averaging $3,636
  • QUINTAN BOON, $13,739 stallion 2021 out of Quintessential High, by Smooth As A Cat
  • CLASS ACT KITTY, $3,997 mare 2021 out of Hairriett, by Wild Haired Cat
  • DUALIN LIL BOON, $2,970 mare 2021 out of Dualin Lil Playgirl, by Dual Rey
  • ACORN ARISING, $1,913 mare 2021 out of Bobcorn, by Bob Acre Doc
  • BAD ALLEY GATOR, $1,691 stallion 2021 out of Quintessential High, by Smooth As A Cat

  • Dam: NEVER REYLINQUISH has earnings of $84,709
    She has 15 money earners of $642,061, averaging $42,804
  • BUONVINO, $229,632 gelding 2016 by Metallic Cat
  • A REYL REBEL, $185,982 stallion 2019 by Metallic Rebel
  • ARA REBEL KING, $56,138 stallion 2020 by Metallic Rebel
  • CATOKER, $44,608 gelding 2011 by Hydrive Cat
  • IRIDESCENT GIRL, $37,951 mare 2016 by Metallic Cat

  • 2nd Dam: LOOK NEVER MIND has earnings of $1,435
    She has 14 money earners of $393,977, averaging $28,141
  • NEVEREY, $146,593 mare 2001 by Dual Rey
  • NEVER REYLINQUISH, $84,709 mare 2005 by Dual Rey
  • REYVORCE, $45,887 mare 2007 by Dual Rey
  • STAR OF REY, $40,468 gelding 2010 by Dual Rey
  • GETTA GRIP, $23,385 stallion 2016 by Metallic Cat