Consigned by Justin McBride


Trainer - JD Garrett

Dual Pep
Chula Dual
Smart Fancy Lena
Spots Hot
Shorty Lena
Sweet Shorty Lena
Quixotes R Sugar
Hot Spot, sorrel gelding 2022
Dual Rey
Dual Smart Rey
The Smart Look
High Brow Cat
MK Cats Lil Kitty
Sweet N Lou

Sire: SPOTS HOT earned $502,682
Spots Hot has 283 NCHA money earners of $8,398,492, averaging $29,677
Spots Hot has 20 NRCHA money earners of $73,930, averaging $3,697
Spots Hot has 3 NRHA money earners of $13,792, averaging $4,597
  • SECOND SPOT, $449,607 mare 2013 out of Reycy Moon, by Cats Moonshine
  • HOT MELODY, $296,839 mare 2014 out of Cats Melody, by WR This Cats Smart
  • BLUES HOT, $288,963 gelding 2012 out of Blue Boon Cat, by High Brow Cat
  • HOTTISH, $286,109 stallion 2008 out of Stylish Play Lena, by Docs Stylish Oak
  • CINCA IM HOT, $259,169 mare 2013 out of Cinca De Maya, by Dual Rey

  • Dam: MELLANIA has earnings of $6,602

    2nd Dam: MK CATS LIL KITTY has earnings of $42,524
    She has 5 money earners of $177,107, averaging $35,421
  • MK CATS KITTY, $121,735 mare 2012 by Spots Hot
  • HIGH TO YOU, $35,951 gelding 2010 by Mr Boonsmal To You
  • MR BOONSCAT, $12,119 gelding 2011 by Mr Boonsmal To You
  • MELLANIA, $6,602 mare 2015 by Dual Smart Rey
  • SJR DIAMONDS KITTY, $700 mare 2016 by CD Diamond