Consigned by Chad & Michele Jackson


Trainer - Craig Thompson

Zack T Wood
Nitas Wood
Nitas Quixote
Woody Be Tuff
Tuff Lena
Tuffs Junie
Candy Quixote
CR Tuffs Boonolena, bay mare 2016
High Brow Hickory
High Brow Cat
Smart Little Kitty
Cats Boonolena
Peptolena Lucinda
Lenas Lucinda

 Show highlights for CR TUFFS BOONOLENA, by money earned
Place Show Class Age Earned
3NCHA Classic ChallengeAmateur Ltd5/6$1,985
12Augusta FuturityOpen4$1,800

Sire: WOODY BE TUFF earned $351,063
Woody Be Tuff has 289 NCHA money earners of $7,946,627, averaging $27,497
Woody Be Tuff has 140 NRCHA money earners of $2,601,686, averaging $18,583
Woody Be Tuff has 2 NRHA money earners of $1,012, averaging $506
  • CR TUFF LUCY, $379,818 mare 2011 out of Lucindas Catolena, by High Brow Cat
  • WOOD SHE B MAGIC, $326,398 mare 2018 out of Magic Metallic, by Metallic Cat
  • CR TUFF HEARTED CAT, $276,864 mare 2009 out of CR Cats Meow, by High Brow Cat
  • ZAK 34, $269,195 stallion 2018 out of Cat Digs Lucinda, by High Brow Cat
  • CR FIRST TUFF, $191,305 stallion 2009 out of Dees Cats Meow, by High Brow Cat

  • Dam: CATS BOONOLENA has earnings of $0
    She has 6 money earners of $204,341, averaging $34,057
  • CR TUFF TABOO, $151,800 mare 2015 by Woody Be Tuff
  • SHIVERZ, $25,082 mare 2019 by Woody Be Tuff
  • CR TUFFS BOONOLENA, $17,584 mare 2016 by Woody Be Tuff
  • CR DUALIN BOONS, $4,784 stallion 2020 by Dualin Boon
  • TRYTHATINASMALLTOWN, $3,338 mare 2020 by Woody Be Tuff

  • 2nd Dam: PEPTOLENA LUCINDA has earnings of $76,841
    She has 17 money earners of $485,688, averaging $28,570
  • CATS PEPTOLENA, $138,462 mare 2005 by High Brow Cat
  • CATSMALL, $84,709 gelding 2006 by High Brow Cat
  • CATS LIL PEPTOLENA, $50,651 mare 2011 by High Brow Cat
  • REDMAN GB, $44,821 gelding 2010 by High Brow Cat
  • ELLIES SMART PEPTO, $38,673 mare 2008 by Smart Little Lena