Consigned by Isaiah Chandler


Trainer - Isaiah Chandler

Dual Rey
Dual Smart Rey
The Smart Look
Rollz Royce
High Brow Cat
Show Biz Kitty
Show Biz Sandy
Phantom Limelight, sorrel stallion 2022
One Time Pepto
One Time Soon
Grays Starlight
Dox Liz And Lena

Sire: ROLLZ ROYCE earned $348,383
Rollz Royce has 61 NCHA money earners of $948,299, averaging $15,546
Rollz Royce has 8 NRCHA money earners of $43,052, averaging $5,382
  • ROCKN THE ROLLZ, $116,378 stallion 2020 out of Special Nu Kitty, by High Brow Cat
  • BETTERTHANABENTLEY, $59,678 gelding 2020 out of Raetallic, by Metallic Cat
  • RIDINN DIRTY, $58,555 mare 2020 out of Silky Flo, by Mr Peponita Flo
  • PHANTOM ONE, $55,831 stallion 2020 out of Desiresomemettalic, by Metallic Cat
  • MOVIN LIKE ROYCE, $45,324 stallion 2020 out of Clememtine Ichi, by Cat Ichi

  • Dam: LIMELIGHTS has earnings of $0
    She has 2 money earners of $18,314, averaging $9,157
  • LINDSEY VONN, $10,929 mare 2019 by Stevie Rey Von
  • ROANAN, $7,385 stallion 2018 by Stevie Rey Von

  • 2nd Dam: VIOLETS has earnings of $32,553
    She has 10 money earners of $236,133, averaging $23,613
  • CHERRY PEPPERS, $169,620 mare 2011 by One Time Pepto
  • SGT PEPPERS, $28,994 gelding 2010 by One Time Pepto
  • DAISIES, $19,563 mare 2012 by One Time Pepto
  • STARBURSTS, $7,591 mare 2013 by One Time Pepto
  • DANDELIONS, $6,070 mare 2006 by High Brow Cat